Rants Raves & Rebellion

"Dedicated to Americans who choose liberty over tyranny"

August 13, 2006


Globalization... who needs it?

Let's see... If the statement "vote with your dollars" is true. Why do we continually invest our money in places that operate in a habitual culture of fear? Oh yeah, its the cheap slave labor, stupid. Or maybe, the establishment would like the developed world to move towards fascism so the human population would be inclined to "do as they're told" and "don't question authority". Consequently, the fascist system is a "perfect fit" for the Multi-national corporations.

As long as Europe, North America and Japan continue to invest in cheap slave labor enterprises for the sake of "profitability" and disregard the social implications of their twisted funded pipedream that somehow China or any other country for that matter will embrace US democracy as a model of reform within the near future is well... nuts!

Since we could agree that China is not ever going to be like the United States, Japan, or Europe for that matter anytime in the forseeable future. Why do we invest in a country that has massive slave labor camps and euthanizes prisoners so the Government of China can sell "body parts" to the highest bidder? Yes, this is a FACT JACK! (reference EPOCH Times).

The only thing that will influence sustainable social change in China is a concerted effort by the United States, Europe and Japan to "aggressively engage" the issue of human rights and require that benchmarks be met as "the condition" of continued ecoonmic participation with the industrialized nations.

Ecologically, the very survival of humanity is in serious question. Recently, Stephen Hawkings (Astro-physicist) addressed a group of intellectuals and scientists in Bejing and brought forward an interesting thought. Basically, he said that he believed that if the human race continues down the path of utilizing its present economic development model drivers (i.e petro-chemicals, petroleum, unsustainable human procreation, etc.) that humanity may not be around in 100 years. Hawkings being a person that has no political inclinations or aspirations coupled with the fact he is one of the smartest people on the planet... "It's serious folks!"

Presently, our globalization model equates as much to an american football game with humanity having the first possession in the 4th quarter down by 50 points with a coach that doesn't understand the opposing teams strengths and weaknesses. "How would you like to play for that team?" ... Well, guess what? WE ARE THAT TEAM!

So, as you may probably know, the game of life is for REAL! May God provide us with the wisdom to save our children from our inherited greed and ignorance before it's too late.


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