(Rebel, Register & Vote)
1. Are you better off now than you were 6 years ago? ... Why not?
2. Contrary to recent statements by President Bush, US citizens are willing to do any kind of work given the opportunity to be compensated in a reasonable, respectful and compassionate way.
3. Immigrants and Citizens are being “PLAYED” by the US Govt. & Multinational Corporations. The multinational corporations in concert with our government have been encouraging people to “illegally” migrate into the US to take advantage of “cheap labor” thereby enabling “the establishment” to create and embed a divisive socio-economic environment. Within the US State Department and the CIA this method of socio-political engineering is commonly referred to as the "framework of orientation, distortion or disruption". WE THE PEOPLE must constantly remind those in government and commerce who and what exactly their working for… WE THE PEOPLE!
4. 18 to 80 … blind, crippled or crazy, every vote counts! Get off the couch and Rock the Vote! [Motivate Everyone]
5. America is made up of every ethnicity, nationality, race and religion on Earth (Noah's Ark). WE ARE ALL HERE IN THIS NATION BY THE GRACE OF GOD."Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God" - Thomas Jefferson
- Members of the US Government encouraged Saddam Hussein to attack KUWAIT- Security of WTC, United Airlines and Dulles Int. Airport on 9/11 - Marvin Bush (W's brother)
- $1,000,000,000,000.00 TRUE cost of the IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN WARS
- How many of Bush, Cheney or Rumsfeld’s children are serving in Iraq? ZERO
- 2600 of America’s Finest DEAD
- $3.00 a gallon GAS, $70.00 a barrel OIL
- $8,300,000,000,000.00 US NATIONAL DEBT
- 12 million people INVITED to USA by Multinational Corporations ILLEGALLY
- American Oil Companies PAY ONLY $25.00 PER BARREL from SAUDI ARABIA
- $1.9 Million Tax Return for a PUBLIC SERVANT named DICK CHENEY
- Is Hallibuton (KBR) Constructing "Internment Camps"?
- Who is the Coalition of the Willing? US 90%, UK 7%,OTHER NATIONS 3%- In Belgium, President George W. Bush is considered a WAR CRIMINAL
- The US Central Intelligence Agency trained OSAMA BIN LADEN
- China is KILLING people of faith and SELLING their BODY PARTS
- The United States of America borrows over $2 BILLION A DAY
- How many members of Congress have lost their children in Iraq? ZERO
“The best time to make money is when blood is running red in the streets”
- House of Rothschild -
“Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence”. – Thomas Jefferson
What can YOU do to STOP the MADNESS?
- REFER this document to EVERYONE -